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August 23, 2010

InDiscover Finalists.

A bit of triumph news.

Running Red Lights have been selected as one of 5 finalists in the YOUDISCOVER concert series. We will be back in Niagara for a second time on
Friday, August 27th to perform along side of our competitors at Oaks Theatre. The show starts at 7pm.

I've been lucky enough to be involved in well over a hundred failures in my life! Lucky and thankful! I've been lucky to share many of those failures with a group of truly wonderful, talented people. Together we have survived and strived, failed and fallen but ALWAYS believed that we might eventually land in the lap of victory. Yes, I count my failures with graditude for they have taught me to respect and honor my moments of progress and success, however big or small.
Whatever the outcome and however it may or may not change the course of our career, we will be forever indebted to our friends, family and fans who have shown us an outpour of support that has been unpredented in our careers thus far. If nothing significant in the way of reward comes of this experience we will still feel like we have won! Lucky enough to fail and lucky enough to have found a way of life that I love and people who encourage me and give me the courage to live that life without regret. You are all the very best! This is not only our victory but yours as well and we hope that you will share with us in a rare moment of pride. SO much love!! xo

P.S RRL has been given the honor to have been put in a class along side of some brilliant, talented, gifted and wonderful folks. Congratulations as well to the other fabulous 4; DRIVE FASTER; WORDPEOPLE; INFRACT and PEOPLE YOU KNOW. Very best of luck to you all!