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September 10, 2010


OK. Bare with me for just a moment.

Truth; I realize I am an unfit translator of a language I barely understand. I realize I articulate ideas no more creative or innovative then any artist before me or any artist to come. My singing voice will CERTAINLY never win the approval of any 'idol' judge and perhaps one day maybe even be the subject of mockery on many a Facebook, blog or Twitter page. I realize I don't have the kind of bravado or moxie Rock legends are made of. I am, relatively, forgettable.

NOW, this particular confession is not meant to induce compliments or assurance from my friends and fans. I am not trying to manipulate support by seeming overly 'humble' or annoyingly insecure. This is simply an honest truth. A truth that is important to recognize and acknowledge. Why?

Bruce Springsteen once said ' I believe the life of a band will last as long as you look down into the audience and see yourself and your audience looks up at you and sees themselves'. I truly recognize that my gifts do not reach the unworldly altitudes of the 'Gods'. HA! It barely touches the bottom limbs of a limber tree, however, if the price of such gifts glorifies me so high that it isolates me from YOU, then it's too high a price to pay. The audience is the lifeblood of my song, I am flawed as you are flawed and I'd rather be standing on the ground experiencing true, real moments with YOU then floating, observing above as a savvy interpreter with the voice of an angel.

Much love always, Scarlett (September 10, 2010)