I didn't choose to exercise my democratic privilege until 3 years ago, despite having reached the age of eligibility 8 years prior. Tragic. I was a self-involved, apathetic youth. I didn't understand the importance and power of my voice and worse, I didn't care. I DIDN'T CARE. While people were being left to starve to death on the streets of North Korea by a terrorist dictator who robbed them not only of food but also free thought, I casually allowed elections to pass on without any regard for my own wealth of freedom. While the oppressed were rising and fighting for the simple leisure of expressing a challenging idea, I was throwing my voice away like a fart in the wind. Freedom fighters of the world were proudly and bravely dying for the basic right to stand in line and mark their voice with a single stroke of a pen, a freedom that was my birthright, an honor I neglected for a hair cut and an afternoon soap opera.
Despite my intolerable shame over such arrogant neglect, I am fessing up to this truth in hopes that it may inspire Canadians, in particular young Canadians, to relinquish a few minutes of time, and VOTE in the next Canadian Federal Election. Hindsight is 20/20 and holy fuck I HATE that particular stock cliche phrase more than any other BUT it's right. I cannot stress enough how much I regret my youthful complacency. 'I can see clearly now, the green fog of youthful guilt free naivete is gone'.
In reflection I'm certain the inner dialogue of my young self with regards to voting probably sounded rebellious and helpless. 'FUCK ALL politics and politicians!', 'Voting is a futile waste of time', 'My single vote will not defeat the will of the corrupt and greedy'. (I can't imagine my inner dialogue was quite as poetic but it was probably as dramatic). I'm confident that these particular thoughts were and are the conclusions of many youths and Canadians alike. Though I cannot dispute that the Canadian government has failed and disappointed its people on many issues and though I cannot promise that a single vote will provoke immediate change, I CAN argue that WITHOUT your voice, those past/present and future whispers of change will NEVER become the shrieking bellow that is needed to move the mountain.
The voter audience in Canada is receding into their retirement, nursing homes and cemeteries. Statistics show a tragic decline in voter turn out and the last Parliament was selected by less than 60 percent of registered voters
The Federal Election takes place May 2nd, 2011. To register to vote or general inquires about where to vote in your area, go to www.elections.ca.
April 13, 2011
Ticketed by Running Red Lights at 10:55 AM
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